10 noviembre, 2006


Recientemente pude disfrutar, por breves momentos, del enfrentamiento entre un gato y un perro....Aquello de que, como "perro y gato", segùn dicen, cuando dos viven peleando y en un tira y jala, lo veìa yo en la realidad.
Segùn se dice, y es la pura verdad, ambos cuadrùpedos, domèsticos por demàs, no pueden ni verse siquiera.
Sus ancestros genèticos, de los gatos, un felino, y de los perros, cànidos, son de naturaleza carnìvoca, depredadora y fèroz, aspectos estos que no se manifiestan de forma altamente peligrosa en sus descendientes gatos y perros, a punto que se pueden tener a confianza en la casa, pero al parecer, tienden a llagarse cuando se ven, esos hermosos irracionales, frente a frente.
El perro brincaba nervioso y frenètico alrededor del gato. Gruñìa con fiereza sin igual, enseñando unos dientes afilados como cuchillos, inyectados los ojos en un paroxismo de rabia y deseos irracionales de destrucciòn. Sin embargo, el gato, apenas si se movìa. Se mantenìa erecto, calmoso, a la expectativa, ¡felino al fin! si el perro en su furioso alboroto se le acercaba demasiado, se limitaba entonces a lanzarle un zarpazo que de seguro, si le da en un ojo al perro, se lo arranca de cuajo. Fuera de ahì, apenas se inmutaba.
Cuando habìa zarpazos, el perro, como loco, brincaba, reculando hacia atràs, para volver con sus caninas amenazas...Nos maravillaba la tranquila seguridad de aquel felino, el perro era mucho màs grande. El gato mucho màs digno...Mucho màs seguro de sì...Màs frìo...màs calculador...mas noble.
Esa es la belleza que tanto admiramos en los gatos...Las forman que tienen de recostarse, como cierran los ojillos verder-amarillo, y recogen las mullidas patitas- mullidas siempre y cuando no saquen las filosas uñas, tan terribles que tienen- Es el gato un animal ejemplarizador. Su rostro es el de un Puma o un Tigre en miniatura. Es perezozo. Es comodòn...amigo de los tejados...Huraño...poco cariñoso...y demasiado engreído.

De por sì, ya el gato barcino, como le dicen al gato comùn es de mucha distinciòn y porte; que no seràn los gatos siameses de miradas profundas y sobrecogedoras; el dulce gato Abisinio de pelambre espumosa como el de angora que se pasea hinchado de vanidad, ¿y el gato persa?...lo han visto alguna vez. No hay cosa màs hermosa, en el mundo animal, que èsa. De ojos azul-verde, ancha la cara y finìsimo y abundantisimo el pelo; y si a hablar del llamado Perza Azul vamos, entonces, si que hay que desempolvar adjetivos.
El gato entre nosotros es el animal domèstico por excelencia de unos años ahora, a imitaciòn de los yankis, el perro està creciendo en auge, pero nunca serà como nos es un gato.

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    Barbaro with Edgar Prado on board has won all 6 of his lifetime starts, 4 of his wins in 2006 and all at distances of a mile or more (his first 3 races were on the turf). Barbaro will be the odds on favorite for the Preakness. Gone are the double digit returns when we picked him for the Derby so most of us are left looking for horses to combine him with for the exacta, trifecta and superfecta wagers. Even though we want to see him win, at the probable scant return for a win, one must look to see if there's a horse in the field that can best him.

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    The problem is, most people wouldn't know where to begin if they had to devise their own worthwhile Selection System, and those clever enough to be able to do so simply wouldn't have the time to do it (it is an arduous task). In fact, there are only two groups of people who do bother to spend the time and money to do so properly: (i) Bookies and (ii) sports tipsters. However, while you can be 100% sure that all Bookies operate a good Selection System (but they won't share it with you), you can be sure that 99% of so-called expert tipsters don't. The number of tipsters doing a proper job on the Internet can probably be counted on the fingers of just two hands.

  42. Anónimo21/6/10

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    The enterprise provides a single [url=http://muachunggiatot.com/thoi-trang.html]mua hang gia re[/url] for every operating day in every single of the marketplaces it serves. The Groupon features as an assurance offer using ThePoint's program: if a certain quantity of men and females sign up for the offer you, then the provide will get to be available to all if the predetermined minimum is not content, no a single will get the offer that working day. This decreases risk for suppliers, who can take care of the discount coupons as quantity reductions as properly as cash flow marketing tools. Groupon helps make resources by maintaining about fifty percent the income the client pays for the coupon.

    For illustration, an $eighty therapeutic therapeutic massage could be acquired by the consumer for $forty by means of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would split the $40. That is, the retailer offers a therapeutic therapeutic massage valued at $eighty and receives around $20 from Groupon for it (beneath a fifty%/fifty% split). Or, if $240 really worth of house painting providers is acquired by the customer for $fifty by way of Groupon, then the business gets $twenty five and Groupon retains $25. The customer receives the therapeutic massage, or the residence portray assistance, in these examples, from the retailer for which they originally compensated $40 (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are specific companies to which Groupon at very first did not offer its organizations, like capturing ranges and strip golf products nonetheless, capturing ranges have been showcased on Groupon.

    In distinction to labeled selling, the merchant does not invest any upfront worth to just take part: Groupon collects personal info from well prepared customers and then contacts only folks consumers, primarily by each working day e-mail, who may possibly possibly potentially be intrigued in a certain remedy or support.

    Groupon employs a massive amount of copywriters who draft descriptions for the provides showcased by electronic mail and on the internet web site. Groupon's promoting textual content for the 'deals' has been noticed as a contributing situation to the track record of the web site, showcasing a distinct blend of extensive simple fact-analyzing and witty humor.

    Owing to Groupon's marketplace getting mostly composed of female consumers, the discounts are often focused on the wellness, bodily health and splendor marketplaces.

    There are prospective problems with the business design. For case in stage, a lucrative deal could quickly swamp a modest business with as effectively a great deal of consumers, jeopardizing a likelihood that buyers will be dissatisfied, or that there won't be enough goods to fulfill the need to have. Gap, a huge attire retailer, was completely ready to offer with 445,000 discount coupons in a national provide (however it knowledgeable server troubles at a single position), but a smaller sized organization could grow to be suddenly flooded with buyers. one espresso keep in Portland, Oregon struggled with an increase in customers for three months, when it offered in close proximity to to one,000 Groupons on the 1 doing work working day it was supplied, in accordance to one particular distinct report. In response to equal problems, Groupon officers condition that 'deal' subscriptions should be capped in progress to a realistic quantity.

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